EEvent services and solutions

Logistic services

We provide integrated logistics solutions to support your event and save you the trouble of following up on business and shipping to all cities of the Kingdom through the company’s accredited intermediaries. Our logistical services include Transport, inventory, packing, shipping, and storing in secure warehouses.

Hospitality solutions

We provide your visitors best hospitality services with the highest standards of processing, preparation, and delivery through our partnerships with local and international famous brands. We also provide for the event a friendly and professional service staff.

Live and interactive shows

Joy and memories are what make events and occasions memorable. We present live and interactive shows at different events and occasions. We believe that the event itself is not enough. It has to be a unique special experience for everyone. That’s why we design and implement innovative entertainment shows that add fun and excitement, such as:

  • Live musical shows.
  • Artistic shows.
  • Drone shows.
  • Dancing shows.
  • Hologram shows.
  • Drawing, calligraphy, and recitation shows, and many others.

We also provide interactive shows that allow the audience to participate effectively in the event through games and interactive challenges.

  • Poetic dialogs or poetic interludes.
  • SWOT Matrix for interactive activities.
  • Reservations and arrangement services

Enjoy planning and organizing your event and let us provide reservations and arrangement services to facilitate your event planning. Our services include:

  • Hotel reservations.
  • Hall reservations.
  • Exhibitions and corners reservations.
  • Cars and flights reservations.
Visual and Audio Solutions

To make your event special, we provide the best visual and audio solutions. We make any event exceptional with our specialized team. Our services include: Lighting: Internal or external lighting, fixed and mobile. Audio: Audio-visual studio equipment for channels.

Translation services

Whether you are planning a large conference, trade exhibition, or cultural event, our team specializes in providing integrated translation services, including Interpretation during sessions and lectures, and simultaneous translation with presentations. We ensure providing professional accurate translation for all required languages, as we deal with a team of professional skilled translators, using hi-tech devices and online verification technology.

Making Operational plans

The operational plan of event management is one of the main event success factors. They include: Setting goals, planning, coordination, and analysis. We understand your need for an integrated operational plan, from budgets to choosing locations and organizing activities and programmes. This is because we care about making your event successful and ensuring the provision of best practices.

Sponsorship services

We provide sponsorship services to ensure a successful event and ensure the achievement of your goals. We cooperate with a wide network of companies and organizations who are concerned with sponsoring events, and we use our experience in this field to find suitable partners.

Technical solutions services

Various distinct technical solutions cover all your needs to make your event a success. These services include:

  • Designing interactive screens and VR.
  • E-payments with different solutions.
  • E-receipts.
  • Technical consultations.
Quality Control plan

Quality control in events helps you succeed in any type of event you are organizing. We design quality control plans specially to suit different event needs including commercial, media, educational, entertainment, sports, and academic events. It includes Risk analysis, strategic planning, continuous monitoring and analysis, auditing, and final assessment.

Security and safety plan

Ensuring the safety of events provides a safe and protected environment, and reduces risks and emergency incidents, which raises the level of quality of the event and achieves a positive reputation. Here comes our role in providing innovative and advanced safety and security plan services for events. Our services include Risk assessment and analysis, safety and security plan design, safety measures implementation and management of security measures, as well as training and awareness.

Crisis management plan

We provide specialized and innovative crisis management plan services to ensure the safety of your event and protect the audience and participants. We develop effective strategies to deal with any emergency cases occurring during the event. The plan includes Risk and weakness assessment, crisis management plan design, planning and training implementation, and continuous evaluation and improvement. Protection and safety are our first priority.